Thursday, March 5, 2009

An excellent articulation

Check out absentee's blog over at Redstate. It's excellent and proves that we Mongoloid Conservatives can be just as "intellectual" as our elites. Here's an excerpt to whet your palate:

It is on that basis that conservatives look at the failed War on Poverty and expect to be able do something better. We will consider, unlike liberals, ideas which do not start and end in the Treasury. We dare look outside the trappings of Great Society and New Deal. We believe in our time-honored institutions and traditions. In churches and charity and people. Not merely because we believe that often they can work better, but because they enhance liberty rather than limit it. The simplest of minds can understand that given is better than taken, and it is a sign of how pervasive the left’s dogma is ingrained in society that such a statement is neither heard nor would it be considered, despite that those who we oppose perversely insist they pursue “fairness.”

The real war on poverty ought to be against a poverty of thinking. It ought to be against surrendering to the absolutes on the left. We can no longer allow their witch-hunt methodology to quiet us into retreat or send us quivering to the New York Times for scraps of approval. We must do as Rush has done. We must point people to the truth with a loud voice and refuse to cower. The future of this nation, of our children and grandchildren, will be decided by how well we can accomplish our goal. We must, at long last, fight the fixing of liberal ideologies as inviolable truths of nature into the hearts and minds of Americans with our every breath.

I love reading and hearing the tenets of conservatism articulated so eloquently. Especially in the post-election war-like atmosphere generated by the newspaper-and-magazine-writer moderates.

It seems that the self-appointed "elites" and "intellectuals" who claim to be on the right side of the political fence can't understand why conservatives are so against big government intervention. They appear to be laboring under the impression that we are all Rush-ed up zombies who only rally behind a mantra like "We think taxes is baaaad, 'mkay." The likes of Frum, Brooks, Dreher, Parker, Noonan, et al, believe we aren't capable of thinking for ourselves and we need them to moderate our tone and set the agenda for us because they, the thinking class, know better.

Man, does that sound familiar. Wait a sec! That's right. That's the same sorry tune we get from the left ad infinitum. As the saying goes, with friends like these....

This attitude may be why you're getting so much "hate mail", Ms. Parker. It may be why most of us want you thrown out of the tent, Mr. Buckley. It could possibly explain why you've received so much disdain from readers and bloggers, Messrs. Dreher, Frum and Brooks. We get enough of this garbage from the left. The LAST thing we need is these and their ilk under the tent.

A good piece of advice: stop with the circular firing squad. Stop belittling the common conservative by labeling our beliefs as "oogity boogity" and our people as "mongoloids". No matter how you try to spin it after the fact, we still understand that your intent was to insult and slander those with whom you claim to have some political affinity.

So, for pete's sake, either stop it or get ye yonder to the liberal's tent; which is where we suspect you belong anyway.

1 comment:

Rapture Forums said...

Proud to be a conservative!!