I wasn't always a cheapskate, mind you. Hubby and I lived things up quite a bit prior to having the little man. Unfortunately, between the bottom falling out for about a year in hubby's business and the expenses of having a baby, we fell on some hard times financially. We're back on track now, but that's due to lots of praying and being extremely frugal with our money.
I've become an expert at crochet, which has allowed me to save literally hundreds on gifts for special occasions over the past two years; it also helps cut out stress, as I crochet all year round and am done by late October, removing the last minute shopping rush. I have also spent countless hours scouring websites like HillbillyHousewife.com and LivingOnADime.com, finding cheap recipes, hints on freezer cooking, cheaper and safer cleaning supplies (vinegar and baking soda are the best!!), and shopping tips. I've also started shopping almost exclusively at Wal*Mart; where I have the double bonus of saving tons of money and irritating hippies at the same time.
All of this knowledge, dear reader, I will be departing upon you, in addition to my other ramblings. Excitement for all!
Also, I'm going to be blogging on occasion on a beloved interest of mine: politics. If that's not your cup-o-tea, then feel free to skip out on those. But since I keep myself pretty well informed on issues of national consequence as well as issues of consequence to tight-wads, I figured I'd impart some of my knowledge to my dear readers on those topics as well.
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