Lately my patience is continually tried by my dog, Ein. He's an 8-year old Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Don't get me wrong; I love him unconditionally and he's about the sweetest, most good natured dog I've ever known. But there are days when the barking, the walking, the shedding, the constant in and out of the kitchen (which is gated off for toddler protection), etc, gets to be a hassle.
Today has been an especially trying day. The little man and I are going to my parent's house for a visit this weekend. I've got some errands to run while I'm in town so I plan on getting an early start on the three hour trip tomorrow. I've attempted to spend most of today making sure my house is in order as well as packing for the trip. Attempted is the appropriate word because try as I may, I didn't quite succeed in my task.
Between constantly corralling my son away from household hazards (and there are ALWAYS hazards, no matter how much you "baby proof"), keeping him entertained, etc, and having to deal with my dog who apparently woke up this morning with an overwhelming need to be constantly touching or rubbing against me, I haven't managed to get too much done.
When hubby gets home, I'm hoping I can get him to watch the little man for a bit so I can get the bags packed, the kitchen and dishes in order (ie, washed and put away so hubby can put his dishes away instead of piling them in the sink), and the house vacuumed. All before 9pm, hopefully. I'm looking forward to watching Palin in the debate. That is, if I'm able to sit down long enough to do it!
The Bible says that the Lord will provide. I'm praying that he provides me some patience right about now.
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